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Laanet: NATO must focus on ensuring collective defence

2. June 2021 - 16:48
Laanet: NATO must focus on ensuring collective defence. Photo: NATO
Laanet: NATO must focus on ensuring collective defence. Photo: NATO

Minister of Defence Kalle Laanet participated last night, via video bridge, in the meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence, where the focus was on preparations for the NATO Summit, set to be held in Brussels, in June. In addition, developments related to the security environment were discussed, focusing on Russia’s activities on the Ukrainian border and the most recent developments related to Belarus. During the video meeting, the Ministers of Defence acknowledged that the security environment has become less secure, which is why it is extremely important that NATO continues to strengthen its defence and deterrence attitude through the implementation of the Deterrence and Defence Euro-Atlantic Area Concept.

“In light of the forthcoming summit, it is important for Estonia to emphasise that Russia is still the greatest military threat to the Alliance. Russia’s political goals and military action along NATO’s borders and against neighbouring countries threaten Euro-Atlantic security. From a strategic point of view, NATO must focus primarily on ensuring collective defence,” said Minister of Defence Kalle Laanet.

Less than two weeks from now, the Alliance’s adaptation to the changed security situation and the reaffirmation of transatlantic unity will be at the heart of the NATO Summit, taking place at NATO Headquarters, in Brussels. The summit will see the presentation of the strategic agenda NATO 2030, and joint communiqué to Allied Heads of State and Government for approval, as well as a renewed NATO Cyber Defence Policy and an agreement on resilience.

According to Minister of Defence Laanet, it is important that NATO bases its activities on a real threat picture and is able to react quickly and decisively to possible threats. “In the coming months, together with our Allies, we will carefully analyse the preparations for activities related to the major Russian training exercise Zapad 2021, while also paying close attention to developments in Belarus and near the Ukrainian border,” Laanet added.

The NATO Ministers of Defence also discussed the security situation in Afghanistan and reaffirmed the need to continue to support the Afghan Government and civil society in the future.

The meeting of NATO Ministers of Defence was preceded by a meeting of NATO Ministers of Foreign Affairs. The NATO Summit is set to take place on 14 June, in Brussels.

Additional information: [email protected]