Hanno Pevkur
Minister of Defence
The Minister of Defence is responsible for the organization of national defence in the Republic of Estonia. He heads the Ministry of Defence and is responsible on governing national defence and any issues that may pertain to it.
Curriculum Vitae (474.66 KB, PDF)
[email protected]

Kaimo Kuusk
Permanent Secretary
He creates the basic environment and transparent process for the fulfillment of national defence strategic goals, organizational development and economic parameters, all through efficient and open communication. He gives directions and guidelines to the undersecretaries and the head of strategic communications as well as ministry advisors. He coordinates the activities of state agencies administered by the Ministry.
Curriculum Vitae (606.14 KB, PDF) (606.14 KB, PDF)
[email protected]
Photo: Aleksander Guzhov (Tallinn Strategic Management Office)

Ingvar Pärnamäe
Undersecretary for Defence Investments
The Undersecretary for Defence Investments coordinates the procurement department and the infrastructure department. At an international level, the Undersecretary for Defence Investments fulfills the role of National Armaments Director.
Curriculum Vitae (PDF)
[email protected]

Tuuli Duneton
Undersecretary for Defence Policy
The Undersecretary for Defence Policy coordinates the policy planning department, international co-operation department as well as NATO and the European Union department.
Curriculum Vitae (465.21 KB, PDF)
[email protected]

Tiina Uudeberg
Undersecretary for Defence Planning
The Undersecretary for Defence Planning coordinates the work of Defence Planning department, Innovation Department and Defence Budget Department.
Curriculum Vitae (466.88 KB, PDF)
[email protected]

Susan Lilleväli
Undersecretary for Defence Readiness
The Undersecretary for Defence Readiness coordinates the work of Defence Readiness department, Strategic Communications Department and Defence Willingness Department.
[email protected]

Kristel Mändmaa
In the duties of the Undersecretary for Legal and Administrative Affairs
The Undersecretary for Legal and Administrative Affairs coordinates the Legal Department, Security and Administration Department and the Records Management Department.
[email protected]